Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Congratulations on your Baptism, Mike!
Also, guest appearances by Magnet Man and Bad Apple were made at the Open House following the service. The Open House was our annual "Come & See" sort of event, where each ministry group set up their booth, showing pictures and information so people could get familiar with all the different arms, legs, and wings of our community of faith.
Plenty of barbecue, plenty of sun, and even a Sierra Lodge booth where participants take the proffered hammer and try their skill at banging in nails with the least amount of hits. Bend a nail and you're disqualified. Check out the video:
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Posers and This Week's News
Aside from this gratuitous gushing, here's the news:
- "This Is Your Life" bible study at 7 PM, 155 Dwinelle. The first week, Pastor Ed talked about the passage of time. Last week, he talked about God, the Creator. What's next?
- After "This Is Your Life" (week 3), our homegroup's going out as a homegroup. Semester's been crazy and we haven't had a chance to sit down and stare deep into one another's eyes. We'll also be eating, having fun, and hanging out, getting to know one another better along the way. Look for H.1 people (your Koinonia friends) and find a ride!
- For those of you guys going to Gracepoint on Sunday, don't forget we got a new service time: 1:30 PM
- Saturday's Discipleship Kickoff: for all Christians serious about your relationship with God, you're invited to a time when we can all be challenged and inspired, 9:00 - 11:30 AM @ the YWCA.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
DT Journals for Oct/Nov
This just in for all you guys who use DT Journals (DT stands for devotion time, and is part of our daily scripture reflection):
Once again, we will be providing DT journals for the months of October-November. You can submit your order online, but please read the following information:Order online. Alternatively, you can also order and pre-pay at the Sunday booktable.
- Before we actually print the journals, we will need for you to pre-pay for your reserved copy(ies). IF YOU DO NOT HAVE PAYPAL, please prepay at the booktable on Sundays, starting this coming Sunday.
- ALL journals will be available for pickup on Sundays (by the booktable) and at Tuesday prayer meetings, from Sept.28 thru Oct. 12. Thereafter, any unclaimed journals will be sold at the booktable on Sundays.
- Any journals requested after the deadline will cost $1 more.
- DEADLINE for orders: Wednesday, Sept. 24, 11:59pm
Career Fairs at UC Berkeley: Getting a jumpstart on life
If you're a junior, it's not too early to go check out a Career Fair. The Career Center puts these fairs together on the Berkeley campus as a resource for students looking for internships for the summer, students looking ahead to start interviewing for jobs following graduation... it's an invaluable resource. I'd encourage you guys to go check it out. Maybe draft a resume and see how it's received. Learn to talk to professionals.
It's all a part of growing up. Plus they usually have free stuff. There's a Career Fair Sept. 9-11 on campus.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Gracepoint Fellowship Cool News... and Bad Apples
Hey people, can you believe school is already in its second week?! It feels like people are still arriving on campus... Anyway, the two New Student Welcome Nights are over. We had more than 1100 new people check out our event (and eat our food), and had a chance to meet tons of people. We're hoping they stick around and join smallgroups, swing by a Koinonia bible study, or just hang out.
Anyway, lots of stuff is going on and wanted to post the info for what's happening.
- 7 - 8:15 PM, Wed., 9/3: Freshman smallgroup, guys. 254 Dwinelle, includes scrumptious dinner.
- 7 - 8:15 PM, Wed., 9/3: wouldn't you know it, the girls also have freshman smallgroup! 251 Dwinelle
- 7:00-8:30 PM, Thurs., 9/4: low-key, get-me-away-from-the-DC barbecue at Dana House. Allen's in charge so you can send him an email if you need more info.
- 7:30 PM, Thurs., 9/4: Welcome back dinner for all the sophomores at Kevan & Jenny's place. Sign up online if you can come and need a ride (or want to help grill)
- 7:30 PM, Fri., 9/5: First Koinonia Bible Study of the semester! We'll be at 2050 VLSB and if you can help, we'd really appreciate your help doing setup. Afterwards, we're going out by classes to hang out. The freshmen and seniors are going to the Rec Room on the first floor of the YWCA. The sophomores are going to Steve & Suzanne's, and the Juniors are going mini-golfing (for shakes). Pastor Ed'll be leading our bible studies this semester, so that's extra incentive to come, invite our friends, and pay close attention!

That's a lot of announcements, and I'm breathless just writing them all down. Have a great week! And for all you Berkeley Cal Football fans, Go Bears! Let's rock Washington State this weekend!!

For the entire clip, you can watch online at the Gracepoint Berkeley Joyland website.
Sophomore Welcome Back Dinner
Hey sophomores, you're invited to a welcome back dinner. Come on over and let's grill some chicken and eat. Need to know how many of you are coming, so sign up online and let us know. Thursday, 9/4, 7:30 PM at Kevan & Jenny's.