Last week, because we moved smallgroup to Thursday night, a bunch of guys came over on Wednesday. Since Jenny was already gone to the retreat, it was just Abigail and I, and a whole bunch of barbarians: a couple frosh, sophomores, and even a senior and staff. We decided against cooking, and sent a scout team to the taco truck in downtown Oakland, which turned out fantastic.
Afterwards, we played Bang. Wenjie the sheriff thought he'd introduce some fear into the game and put out a dynamite, only to have it explode on himself at the first draw. From there, it was pretty much downhill as the outlaws (myself included), decimated the rest of the field: renegades, deputies, and sheriff. They didn't stand a chance. It helped to stifle everyone's restlessness and get people serious about studying.
In addition to the drama of studying, doing problem sets, and writing papers, the other drama of the night was taking care of Abigail. It turned out alright.
Also, thank you for praying for those of us who went on the staff retreat this past weekend. We had a wonderful time with Pastor Ed and Kelly and the rest of the staff at our new Sierra Lodge (I'm trying to figure out how we can get a slot and head up there as a homegroup in the new year!). I was really encouraged and strengthened by the time together, and renewed my own commitment to honor God with my life.
Catholic Bible - extra books?
Hi, what about the extra books in the Catholic bible that is not found in
the Protestant Bible? How can we understand / trust the canonization
process whe...
5 years ago
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