Last night the frosh smallgroup in its entirety (except for the really studious ones in the library) took off from Berkeley and went to the mountains. Sporting a caravan of four vehicles--two vans, a sporty mazda, and a ferocious looking truck--we left the glittering lights of the city and (b/c we couldn't drive all that far in 30 minutes) went to a distant mountain top where we could see those same glittering lights from afar (read: 23 miles).
We saw a fox run across the road (read: almost roadkill), pointed at a bunch of deer along the side, and generally had a pretty good time hiking in, setting up a fire, and roasting an assortment of meaty and sweet items on our sticks. We had about 3 Evergood Sausages available per person, although I think only Steve actually ate that much. In between scaring one another w/ ghost stories and telling just about any and every thing we've heard remotely related to ghosts, scary houses, and TVs turning on by themselves, we tired ourselves out and headed back home. Along the way, we found out a couple funny things:
- Daniel had no idea who Prometheus was, even as we were gazing at the roaring fire.
- Steve introduced us to the Fatkins diet. He's currently on stage 2.
- Daniel, Steve, and Justin can sing just about every Disney song out there (although you might not want to actually hear it from them)
- Joe looks scary in the firelight.
- Roy really knows how to build a fire.
- Safeway fire starter can be a lifesaver.
- Someone forgot to get veggie dogs for Alan.
As mentioned in the above entry, I, Steven Choi, author and founder of "The Fatkins DIEt", am now progressing in my revolutionary diet plan from Stage 1: The Fatkins Stage, to Stage 2: The DIEt stage.
If you'd like to become a Fatkins DIEt life partner, e-mail me at
Fatkins DIEt life partner membership benefits include:
*Watching me eat nasty wasty vegetables
*Inflicting pain and punishment if I stray from the DIEt
*Watching me struggle through basic exercises
*And much, much more!
If you would like to find out more about this revolutionary dieting lifestyle or would like to reserve a copy of my upcoming book, reply to the e-mail address above!
I'll buy a book only if you'll sign it for me.
Looks like you guys had a great time. Bummer that Ben, Kenny and I couldn't make it! Next time though, I'll be ready - with some 'fire magic' =) muahahaha!
I, Ken Chu, most definitely would not like to join the Fatkins DIEt, but most certainly will inflict plain and punishment if you become astray.
I'd like to buy a book so I can give it to some people.
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