Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Weekly News

No competition hereIt's like an annual tradition, except it's weekly. Here's the news, fully documented and published for your reading enjoyment.

Thursday, 10/9, 7 PM @ Wheeler Christian apologists and philosophers Mike Ramsden and Os Guinness present two lectures, "Is Faith Delusional?" and "A Thinker's Quest for Meaning." Admission is free and seating is limited. I say go for it if you have the time, and maybe take some good notes so you can share it here with the rest of us!

Homegroup Friday, 10/10, 6 PM

  • Guys at Mike K.'s on Haste. Dinner will be provided and we'll catch up on each others' lives.
  • Girls at Virginia's at Parker/Hillegass. Dinner and smallgroup time together w/ HG RED.
  • Soph bros discipleship @ Dana House rooms 1 & 2.
  • All Koinonia soph girls dinner with Suzanne at Dana House living room. Invite your friends!

Koinonia's "This Is Your Life" with Pastor Ed Kang. Friday, 7:45 PM @ 2050 VLSB. Afterwards, we're headed to Dana House to hang out, do smoothies (provided by our new Chefs!), and hang out. We'll also be preparing for Sunday's convalescent home visit by practicing a couple songs and putting together some gifts.

Sunday, 10/12 8:30 AM. We're meeting at Anna Head West to visit Crown Bay Convalescent Home. We'll spend time with the elderly, sing them some songs, give them gifts, and just talk to them and be with them. Transit Chiefs in charge of rides. More info? Just ask Caroline.

H.1 Committee
Here's the people who are helping our homegroup run. They're also the contact people if you got questions about their respective areas.
  • Transit Chiefs: AKA rides. Hannah P. (for the girls) & Mike K. (for the guys)
  • Chefs: AKA food. Kevin D. & David Y.
  • Media: AKA photos & video. Irene K. & Justin K.
  • News Reporters: AKA blog. Brandon T. & Min C.

Special Video: Pastor Manny "Usain Bolt" Kim on fire once again.


Anonymous said...

So I went to the "Is Faith Delusional?" talk and considering how the speaker, Mike Ramsden, only had 30 minutes to explain how faith isn't delusional, he did a pretty good job! Several of his points could be found at: I did a little research on Ramsden before the talk and found his voice recording on the "Biblical Mandate for Apologetics" pretty interesting! :)

kevan said...

Wow, Hannah, thanks for sharing! This is great. I'll give it a listen for sure. I heard it was a great talk from various people who went. Bummer that I was in LA. Thanks again!