These days, it's been non-stop GLive practice. All last week, while the rest of campus was away on Spring Break, Koinonia, acts2fellowship and Kairos were putting in practice time so we'd be stage ready. I think we're mostly there.
There's a runthrough on Wednesday night, and then our first showing is on Friday. That'll be in-house so we can iron out the transitions, audio, and video and all that tech stuff. And then it's one, two, three performances on Saturday! Yikes! The day is here.I've been mostly helping out with the juniors (with some on-the-side contracting work for the sophomores!), but our fearless drama directors--Daniel and Sarah--have been bringing our production slowly along. Everyone's putting in long hours, showing up at practices faithfully, even lugging their books to cram in studying during the sporadic downtimes.
If you haven't signed up already, make sure to reserve your spot at Gracepoint Live, showtime's this Saturday, April 4th. Three showtimes: 11 am, 3 pm, 7 pm... don't miss out!
There's tons more pictures online if you want to see what's been going on and share in the memories!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
GLive Practice: 4 more days and counting...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Fenton's Destruction
A couple weeks ago, some of the juniors and frosh went to Fenton's Creamery and yes, they all tried The Fenton's Challenge: 3 pounds of ice cream in 15 minutes, plus toppings and bananas. Some people would find this gross. On the other hand, there are others who would admire the audacity and fortitude of going up against such odds.
All 7 who attempted the Fenton's Challenge that night finished. Among them was one brother who has completed (some would say, "dominated) the Fenton's Challenge previously at 11 minutes, and the second time, 6 minutes. So we no longer face the question, "Can he finish it?!" No. Now we can ask, "How long did it take him this time?"
That would be the correct question. The answer, however, might be disturbing for some. Watch at your own risk.
H.1 Fenton's Challenge from kevan on Vimeo.
Some of the guys went to Fenton's and did the challenge. All 7 of them, in fact. One guy, Mike, had completed the Challenge previously... twice. He's going for his third time. This is all just part of having fun, I guess. At least for the guys.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
GLive Workday @ NorthLoop
GLive is just a couple weeks away. Spring Break is the big push as all the different classes get ready. Everyday practice! Get professional, look good, deliver the lines, stand in the right place, never-ending, but terribly exciting to be working together.
Saturday, 3/21, was a workday at NorthLoop. Praxis and College, working on props, working on scripts, eating and talking, cardboard, foam core, spray paint, Photoshop, audio splicing. Nice.
Here's a snipped from field report, Eddie C.:
GLive Workday - Props from kevan on Vimeo.
Saturday, 3/21, was massive workday for GLive at NorthLoop. All sorts of people from Praxis to College converged on the warehouse and started to put different things together so they would be stage worthy and beautiful. Fun.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
News for This Week: Thursday!
This week we're moving our GTS and GLive practices to Thursday in anticipation of Spring Break!
The guys are meeting for LIFE group at Kevin D.'s apartment at 6 pm, Thursday night. The staff'll bring dinner so just bring yourselves and your DT, and then we'll head to GTS together after. Here are the meeting rooms for GTS:
- Gospel Snapshots: First Pres Gym
- Course 101: Mears Room (down the hall from the gym)
- Course 101X: First Pres Sanctuary
- Survival Kit 1: Tilden Room in the MLK building on campus
- Church 101: Stephens room (MLK building on campus)
Junior girls are meeting for LIFE group at 5:45 pm at Jenny's office.
And here's another one of those GLive ads:
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Super Santa Cruz Saturday
At long last, I uploaded our Santa Cruz pictures online. What a day that was. The junior guys across Koinonia and Kairos took time off from their busy schedules and decided to go on the mother of all one-day outings. The night before, we had GLive practice at NorthLoop, and decided to just stay the night in Alameda. First though, we packed the supplies, got the firewood, and then rewarded ourselves with late night In-N-Out. The next morning, we packed up our stuff, cooked up home made egg mcmuffins, and did our devotions together through Luke 11.
The day was packed:
- Dangling 60 feet in the air, tramping through the ropes course, swinging from platform to platform, balancing on thin cables with nothing to hold onto except one another, conquering our acrophobia; fear can contribute to a real bonding experience.
- Rock climbing on three climbing courses. We cheered each other on, egged each other on, encouraged one another, and experienced really sore forearms all together.
- Ultimate frisbee on the field with the Koinonia sophomores who had also come. In a sophomores versus juniors face-off, the juniors lost: 2 games to 0 (10 points each game). But through that time, I realized Brian J. (jr) is a scoring machine, and John X. (so) is a defending monster.
- Beach football. Tackle. 'Nuff said.
- Barbeque on the Santa Cruz SeaBright Beach with the setting sun as our backdrop, cans of clam chowder and hearty potato soup our dinner, marshmallows, s'mores, and good laughter.
- Time of singing songs around the campfire, remembering that God's the one who's placed people in our lives to shape us, mold us, love us, and with whom we can run this spiritual journey. Time of praying for one another, committing to God and to each other, and experiencing a fresh sense of fellowship as brothers.

And then it was time to go home. Chime in if you had a good time.
Friday, March 13, 2009
NEWS for this week--
GTS as usual is at 7 pm tonight at First Pres.
But beforehand, come join us! We're heading to Nations, home of famous southern burgers (and salads, if that's your thing) and wondrous banana creme pie! We're meeting at Anna Head West at 5:15 pm to grab some food at Nations, and will be back to First Pres so we don't miss our GTS classes.
As usual, GLive practices afterwards. Be prepared!In other news this past week:
- Super Santa Cruz Saturday was action-packed: ropes course 60 feet above the ground, zip line, rock wall climbing, ultimate frisbee juniors vs. sophomores, football on the beach, a bonfire, talk about guy bonding! Pictures (and video) coming soon!
- Saturday's Redwood Hike: the girls went on a nice stroll (AKA Hike!) through the redwoods last Saturday, lunching out in nature w/ the squirrels, trees, and fresh air.
- Sophomore LIFE group extravaganza. Pictures also forthcoming
- Thursday night Fentons. Some of the guys went--one of them ate the Fentons Challenge in 3 minutes. Yes, we have it on video, and you'll see it soon!
- -check it out and get excited
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Gracepoint Live website is Live
Gracepoint Live is coming up fast. Less than a month away. The GLive website is live (no pun intended). There's a neat video online too, which I've embedded below:
Monday, March 9, 2009
This Week's DT: Romans 13
Romans 13 is our Scripture Reflection for this week. Here are the questions:
MON Romans 13:1-4
• What is the state of my relationship with those who have authority in my life?
• What place does fear have in the way I relate with those in authority?
• What can I do to be free of fear of those in authority?
TUE Romans 13:7-8
• What vision of human relationships is pictured here?
• What hinders this vision from becoming reality in my life?
WED Romans 13:7-8
• Who are the people I interact with? What do I owe each of them?
• Who are the people I may not interact with, but towards whom I owe a duty of some sort?
• How would a person’s relationships change if he went from the attitude of “people owe me” versus “I owe people”?
• Which of these two attitudes typically characterize me? How can I specifically begin to give people in my life what I owe them?
THU Romans 13:8-10
• Reflect on the truth that love is the fulfillment of the law. Why is this so amazing? How does this change the way I view people in my life?
• Reflect on the truth that all of the commandments are summed up in the command to love my neighbor, and the truth that, when I sin, I am doing “harm to [my] neighbor.” How does this motivate me to become a person of greater love and greater obedience to God’s commandments?
• What does it mean to love your neighbor “as yourself?”
FRI Romans 13:11-12
• What characterizes the “present time”?
• Why is it important to”[understand] the present time?”
• What is it that causes me to slumber?
• What are the things I’m called to do as “The night is nearly over; the day is almost here.”
SAT Romans 13:11-13
• What does it mean that “our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed?”
• What does it mean to put on the “armor of light?”
• What is the relationship between “[putting] aside the deeds of darkness” and “[putting] on the armor of light?”
• What are the deeds of darkness I need to “put aside?”
SUN Romans 13:14
• What “desires of the sinful nature” dominate my thoughts?
• What practical step is being urged in the words “do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature?” How can I specifically carry out this advice regarding my thought life?
• What does it mean to “clothe [myself] with the Lord Jesus Christ,” and how can I specifically carry out this exhortation in my life?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
GLive Practice: Juniors
On Friday, the juniors went to North Loop and embarked on a brave new world: taking on the GLive skit on our own as just Koinonia. A2F and Kairos paired up to tackle the skit on their own too. It was a lot of fun reading lines, acting, seeing the yoga people do their thing.
Any juniors want to chime in here how it went?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Yanking Wisdom Teeth
It's all part of life in H.1. If you're getting your wisdom teeth pulled, just let us know. We can come over and encourage you too.
And this just in: heard the H.1 girls are "Taking a Hike" on Saturday morning. Check in with Jenny with more info. Sounds like a joint effort with the H.2 girls for fun in the outdoors in a healthy, environmental-friendly, and green sort of way!
See you tonight at GTS and GLive practice! Don't forget to do your homework.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
News for this Week!
Here we are again, for another rundown of this week's news:
Thursday night, apparently, has been labeled fun night. The soph guys are going to Fenton's (will Eddie attempt the Fenton's Challenge again?), and the girls are doing their own thing, incorporating studying with tea-sampling and pastry-testing.
Another thing happening on Thursday night: Ultimate Frisbee for the freshmen. It's an optional thing for those who are bored Thursday (or sick of studying!) nights and want to unwind with their friends. I believe the juniors are hosting. 8-9 pm @ North Field (near Hearst Gym & the Bancroft tennis courts). It'll be an ongoing weekly thing.
Friday night: GTS Courses at 7 pm, as usual, at First Pres. And then GLive practices. Did you know GLive is happening in exactly a month? April 4th. Some of the things I've heard:
- Eddie C.: he's the lazy pirate.
- The Juniors are splitting in two and each taking a crack at the intense junior script.
This Saturday is awesome day for the junior guys across Koinonia: we're heading to Super Santa Cruz Saturday to hit the ropes course, climb the rock wall, play football on the beach, and put together a roaring bonfire for our hot links and clam chowder, and then sing our hearts out on the beach beneath the night sky.
Don't forget, this Saturday is Daylight Savings. It's Spring Forward, meaning we lose an hour of sleep, so you have to advance your clocks forward!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Journal: Last week
This past week was cool. At least for me it was, but also as I observe all the things that were happening around Berkeley. On Wednesday night, the guys had LIFE group where we had a chance to share what we've been getting out of our devotionals, pray for one another as we confessed our needs, and just had a chance to bond and recharge in the middle of the week. LIFE group, in case you don't know, consists of Listen, Intercede, Fellowship, and Engage. The girls also met together on Wednesday night.
Thursday, Jenny and I, Daniel and Sarah (from a2f Gold) hung out at the YWCA for three hours, sitting through audition after audition of junior guys and girls who were giving it all for GLive. And speaking of GLive, after GTS on Friday, the juniors and seniors went to NorthLoop, where we got a 20-minute acting do's and don'ts from Daniel, and then broke up into practices. Though the junior skit is secret, little parts are leaking out here and there. Well, I have to leak out this yoga girls scene... which was strange (but fun), to say the least!On Thursday, some of us went miniature golfing. That's when I found out Andy C. is the Tiger Woods of mini-golf. He carried my team and we gave a whoopin' to Eddie and David. But in the end, we bought them frozen yogurt anyway as consolation.
The other thing that happened Thursday night was a crazy meat-eating fest at Dana House for all the Koinonia Freshman guys. Apparently, someone cooked up a big pot of meat, and all the guys just sat around eating, talking, and laughing. Most people had just finished their midterms, so it was an opportunity to decompress and just connect with one another again.Saturday, we all went UCSF studying. The library here was very serene, overlooking the SF Financial District, Downtown, Golden Gate Park, and Golden Gate Bridge. Very conducive to studying. We took off in the morning, had a very light lunch (of Chinese barbecue pork buns), and had a scrumptious dinner to reward ourselves for time well-spent hitting the books. As you can see, the guys were knocking out faster than can say "knock-out", and the girls, to their credit, were fully awake and engaged. There's plenty more pictures of people who were knocked out on our flickr site.
And last week, we started with a birthday celebration for Steve and Suzanne, our Koinonia directors (did you know they have office hours you can signup for online?). It was a short, but meaningful time to recount what kind of role they've played in all our lives here at Koinonia as we shared some of their idiosyncrasies, habits, and stories.
In addition to the GTS classes--Gospels, Church 101, SK1, and SK2--plus our week's scripture reflection through Luke 10, God has really been alive speaking to us and in the midst of our fellowship and daily lives together!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Weekly Devotion in Luke 11
Since our servers have only recently come back up, wanted to post the questions for you guys. It's all part of our Devotions, which we do daily: going to God's Word and asking ourselves, "What can I learn about myself? What can I learn about God? How is He speaking to me today?" We meditate on one passage (usually a chapter) for the entire week, focusing on different parts of the chapter each day. Our Scripture Devotion is Luke 11 this week.
The questions are really useful to help us start thinking about the text. Here they are:
Monday, March 2
Luke 11:1-4
• How does addressing God as “father” change my view about prayer and how I relate to God?
• What is implied in praying for the honor due to God’s name and His kingdom before other prayer topics (cf. Matthew 6:33)?
• How often do I pray for forgiveness for my sins?
• What is the relationship between confessing my sins and being able to forgive others?
• Write a personal version of the Lord’s Prayer with the following specific points:
- In what way do I want to see God’s name being hallowed and where do I want God’s kingdom to come to?
- What is the daily bread that I need to ask God for?
- What specific sins do I need to ask God to forgive today?
- Who are the people I need to forgive?
- What temptation do I need to be delivered from?
Tuesday, March 3
Luke 11:1-11
• What does Jesus’ instruction to pray for “[God's] will [to] be done on earth as it is in heaven” imply about what is happening on the earth?
• What can I learn about the importance of prayer and my role in advancing God’s will?
• What is the main point of the parable of the friend seeking bread at midnight and what lesson does it teach about prayer?
• Are there some situations in my life where I am refusing to come to God in prayer? What does this reveal about my view of God?
• How should v.9 be understood in the context of vv.10-13? What would cause a person to desire the Holy Spirit as the gift that they ask from God?
Wednesday, March 4
Luke 11:14-20
• What is revealed about the people who questioned Jesus’ authority after witnessing this miracle?
• Notice that the Pharisees could not possibly have known that Jesus drove out demons by Beelzebub. What, then, explains the authoritative and knowing tone of their pronouncement regarding the true source of Jesus’ power?
• In what ways am I, or have I been, like the Pharisees?
• In what ways has “the kingdom of God [...] come upon [me]“? What has been my response to this?
Thursday, March 5
Luke 11:14-26
• What does the empty house symbolize?
• What constitutes a house being swept clean and put in order?
• How does this passage clearly show the reality of two kingdoms in this world (the stronger man vs. the strong man)?
• What warning does this passage give to those who “clean up their lives” but do not allow God to fully occupy?
• How much do I see being occupied with God’s presence and His work as protection over my life?
• How much am I relying on the stronger man Jesus to “overpower” the strong man sin in me?
Friday, March 6
Luke 11:27-32
• Why does Jesus consider a person blessed “who hear[s] the word of God and obey[s]?”
• Why is Jesus’ response to the Pharisees’ demand for a miraculous sign so harsh?
• How is the Son of Man for “three days and three nights [being] in the heart of the earth” enough sign for us to respond to God?
• What is Jesus saying about the efficacy of “miraculous signs” to change the attitude of someone already prejudiced against submitting to Christ?
Saturday, March 7
Luke 11:33-36
• What may be the reason why Jesus talks about lighting a lamp and placing it on an unconcealed place right after reminding the crowd that the men of Nineveh repented after Jonah’s preaching (v. 32)? In this context, what does the light from the lamp symbolize? Since being filled with darkness or light is dependent on our eyes (v.34), what determines the good or bad condition of our eyesight (perception)?
• What lessons can I learn regarding the power of the eyes (i.e., what I see / focus on)?
• What have my “eyes” been full of? What has that done to my heart?
Sunday, March 8
Luke 11:37-53
• Why were the Pharisees consumed with their outward religious activities but negligent of their inner self?
• Why was this so disturbing to Jesus?
• Why was Jesus particularly harsh with the Pharisees and the teachers of the law?
• Reflect on the six woes. Which one am I guilty of?
• What are the inconsistencies in my life that I have not been acknowledging?
• What are things that God cares about that I am ignoring?