Monday, March 9, 2009

This Week's DT: Romans 13

Romans 13 is our Scripture Reflection for this week. Here are the questions:

MON Romans 13:1-4
• What is the state of my relationship with those who have authority in my life?
• What place does fear have in the way I relate with those in authority?
• What can I do to be free of fear of those in authority?

TUE Romans 13:7-8
• What vision of human relationships is pictured here?
• What hinders this vision from becoming reality in my life?

WED Romans 13:7-8
• Who are the people I interact with? What do I owe each of them?
• Who are the people I may not interact with, but towards whom I owe a duty of some sort?
• How would a person’s relationships change if he went from the attitude of “people owe me” versus “I owe people”?
• Which of these two attitudes typically characterize me? How can I specifically begin to give people in my life what I owe them?

THU Romans 13:8-10
• Reflect on the truth that love is the fulfillment of the law. Why is this so amazing? How does this change the way I view people in my life?
• Reflect on the truth that all of the commandments are summed up in the command to love my neighbor, and the truth that, when I sin, I am doing “harm to [my] neighbor.” How does this motivate me to become a person of greater love and greater obedience to God’s commandments?
• What does it mean to love your neighbor “as yourself?”

FRI Romans 13:11-12
• What characterizes the “present time”?
• Why is it important to”[understand] the present time?”
• What is it that causes me to slumber?
• What are the things I’m called to do as “The night is nearly over; the day is almost here.”

SAT Romans 13:11-13
• What does it mean that “our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed?”
• What does it mean to put on the “armor of light?”
• What is the relationship between “[putting] aside the deeds of darkness” and “[putting] on the armor of light?”
• What are the deeds of darkness I need to “put aside?”

SUN Romans 13:14
• What “desires of the sinful nature” dominate my thoughts?
• What practical step is being urged in the words “do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature?” How can I specifically carry out this advice regarding my thought life?
• What does it mean to “clothe [myself] with the Lord Jesus Christ,” and how can I specifically carry out this exhortation in my life?

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