Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gifts Gone Wrong

Here is a story of what happens to gifts when you don't claim them right away:

My roommate, Harry Jiang, calls me one Sunday afternoon after Sunday Worship Service asking me to ask Eddie to come over to the dorms because he has a present to give to Eddie. So after service, Eddie decides to drive me home so he can stop by. When we arrived at the dorms, we couldn't find a parking spot so we called Harry to bring down what he has for Eddie. Harry responds, "Ehh... that's okay. I can just give it to him next time." When I return back to the room, I find out that Harry planned to give Eddie some Chinese pastries.

Anyway, I managed to get a quick video using my phone to get evidence of whose stomach the pastries would end up in.


Anonymous said...

LOL. moment of weakness.

Anonymous said...

btw eddie, the pastries were amazing. oh and sorry.

kevan said...

I'm not sure what's more wrong: the fact that Harry ate the pastries, or that Andy was merely a witness and stood by without interfering. Some people might call that aiding and abetting, or acting as an accomplice.