Every year, Christians around the world observe Passion Week, the last week of Christ. For those unfamiliar with its Latin roots, "Passion" in this sense doesn't refer to love or emotional romantic fervor. It refers to suffering, as in the suffering of Christ. Wanted to let you know some of the things happening this week:
- Prayer meeting tonight (3/18) will include Praxis as well, and starts at 7 PM, First Pres.
- Ben's having reading and reflection time at the YWCA everyday this week from 9-10 PM. From 10-11 PM, there are prayer rooms available for people to use as well. You're welcome (and encouraged) to join him if you have time.
- Mid-week Course 101: same place, same time on Wed. night.
- There's a viewing of Passion of the Christ on Thurs., 3/20, 8-9:30 PM @ 145 Dwinelle.
- Good Friday Service is at 7:30 PM, Willard Middle School.
- Saturday, 3/22, some of us are going to Golden Gate for a one-day prayer and reflection retreat. If you'd like to join us, let me know.
- Following our Easter Sunday Service, we'll have a barbecue picnic together as an entire church.
- Spring Break Yosemite details coming up soon. Stay tuned.
- If you need to pick up Passion Readers, you can pick them up tonight at First Pres. Just look for the book table in the lobby.
Also, it's a tradition for many Christians to fast on Friday in observance of Christ's death on the cross. It's not merely an exercise in denial or self-inflicted starvation, it's to set aside time to reflect and pray throughout the day. Just wanted to let you know as many of the staff will be doing this.
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