Friday, March 14, 2008

SF Outing, Frosh & Seniors

This past weekend, the freshmen and seniors went out to San Francisco. Kind of a 1/2 day sort of thing. For some, it was a nice time to get away from studying. For others, they rolled out of bed and joined us for our departure at 3:30pm.

We went to Palace of Fine Arts first, took some pictures, and looked at the swans in the lake. We were going to play hide-n-seek, but the place was closed for renovation. It didn't prevent us from taking some pictures, nor from trying to come up with a compelling CD cover.

Afterwards, we went to Chrissy Fields where we watched the sun set behind the Golden Gate. Pretty awesome sight. While there, the guys couldn't help attempting a race across the sands to determine the fastest man award (notice Nick eating it at the very end..):

Then we went to eat at a Chinese restaurant, and headed back to Berkeley. Fun. More pictures online.

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