Monday, April 14, 2008

Special Guest on Tuesday: Dr. Thom Wolf

Normally, we have college prayer meeting on Tuesdays. But this week, Tues., 4/15, Dr. Thom Wolf will be joining us!

Pastor Ed Kang and some of our church's other leaders first met Dr. Thom at Golden Gate Baptist Seminary, and inspired by his spiritual leadership and deep Christian character, continued to invite him to our church to speak. Over the years, Dr. Thom has visited us on numerous occasions, even speaking at Berkland Baptist Church's 20th Anniversary (the funny name comes from "Berkeley/Oakland"!), and charging us that "The Gospel which has come to you, must now go through you to others." It was very challenging, and even as Gracepoint Fellowship, it continues to inspire so many.

Dr. Thom is currently serving as a missionary in India w/ his wife, Linda, and will be joining us for a very special Tuesday night. In many ways, their zeal and fierce God-centeredness reminds me very much of Pastor Ed and Kelly. For those of you who remember Dr. Thom, he's come about 2-3 times in the last year and a half, and each time it's been a real treat.

7 PM @ First Pres., Tuesday, see you there.

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